Italian with Hannah - for beginners
Lessons are conversation-based so you'll be speaking Italian from the very first class! I love teaching grammar as it provides the quickest shortcut to gaining fluency and independence, while also bringing in topic-based vocabulary (family, holidays, going to the shops, etc.). I like to adapt my courses to suit my students' needs – from preparing for an upcoming trip to watching Italian films or focusing on pronunciation.
The Course:
This is a class for complete beginners ;) No experience with Italian or any other foreign language is required. The course will run continually, to be paid in advance in blocks of four lessons (six hours tuition), with breaks for Christmas, Easter and over summer.
We will cover, among other things:
- introducing ourselves (name, age, where from)
- talking about family & friends
- telling the time & using numbers
- discussing interests & hobbies
- tourist Italian - restaurants, shops, hotels, etc.
- present tense (regular & irregular verbs)
- using adjectives
- singular & plural nouns
- possessives (my, your, etc.)
To book, please visit italianwithhannah.comÂ